Co-curicular Activity

The school has Visual and Performing Art department. The department does more than just teaching art, music & dance. It infuses creativity in the young minds and hearts. The co-curricular activities are conducted in the Art room, AV room, Music room and Dance room.

The various fields in which students are trained here are:

Visual Arts

The five strands of the visual art curriculum are: Drawing, Painting, Coloring, Clay Modeling and Craft.


Performing Arts

The music and dance curriculum provides opportunity to learn from a wide range of Indian instrumental and vocal music and traditional dance styles.

A key feature of the curriculum is the involvement of the children in the making of drama based on a story or fiction. Drama curriculum involves storytelling, role play, dance movements, discussions and stage performances.



The school also has hobby clubs that focus on the development of the Child’s personality and provide a gateway to learning. The clubs offered are - Sports, Integrity, Reading, Art and Craft, Music, Mastermind, Oratory, Heritage, Health and Wellness, Nature and Environment, Dramatics and Theatre.